Daily Takeaway
- “Sometimes the most important part of the day is doing activities not planned.” – Master Rick Rando
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Blockquote Title
“Keynote Speaker Master Rick Rando engaged and motivated our team members throughout our annual Pennsylvania/Maryland Safety Team Summit for Columbia Gas. Communicating the importance of dedication, persistence, and hard work, Master Rando’s electricity and motivational words inspired our personnel to focus on their safety awareness efforts and take our corporate safety performance to new levels. Columbia Gas, a Division of NiSource, would recommend Master Rando to any organization or group that wishes to challenge their people to be team players rather unengaged underachievers. The feedback we received from the event was entirely positive and every single employee in the room left excited to conquer any challenge that lies ahead. I strongly advocate Master Rick Rando’s presentation to anyone who is ready to improve themselves, both personally and on the job”.
“My leaders left challenged and inspired to raise the bar at my business. Master Rick Rando’s fun and thoughtful approach to teaching leadership principles that matter, was exactly what we needed to take our performance to the next level. Thank you for your attention to excellence Master Rando…you are definitely a ‘fire-starter!’”
“Master Rando visited Frankfort High School in the spring of 2017, speaking to our 9th-11th grades. His message on ‘Empowering Oneself’ was amazing. Knowing who you are and being true to yourself was one key point that hit home quickly with our student body. Being a ‘fire-starter’ and not an ‘energy-sucker’ was a stand-out component that was quite powerful as well. Extinguishing entitlement was another avenue that led to…‘no one is entitled to anything…working hard is what gets you to where you want to be.’ And finally, the one characteristic that resonated with our faculty and students at FHS was serving others. In the words of Master Rando: ‘Success follows those who serve others.’
This man kept the audience enthralled and focused during his entire presentation. He used anecdotes, a bit of comedy, and personal experiences to share his message with the students and pique their interest. In fact, you could hear a pin drop when he was storytelling. His message was positive and uplifting for young adults; and our hope is that Master Rando’s content will help change lives, one student at a time.”“We really didn’t know what to expect. We’re a bakery and not really the most physical bunch of people in terms of our work. Master Rick Rando is an incredible speaker. He is very motivating and makes you feel like you can do anything. By the end of 45 minutes, he had us breaking boards with karate chops with our hands and it was one of the most amazing things that we’ve ever done! It was awesome! We were all cheering each other on and by the end of the day we felt like we could break bricks with our heads. We were so proud of ourselves that we quickly loaded our pictures up on Facebook for everyone to see! The Kick Masters program is really extraordinary. They do so much for the community and I’m so glad that we connected with them.”
“Keyser Primary School was honored to have Master Rick Rando visit and speak with our entire student body. He did a wonderful job with his lively, engaging presentations of Stranger Safety and the ‘5 Keys to Succeed!’ His interactions with the students were priceless and the students really enjoyed his enthusiasm and how much he truly cared about the things they had to say. Since his presentation, many of our students and teachers have been practicing some of his key points including being ‘fire-starters’ instead of ‘energy-suckers,’ showing a ‘Level 10’ posture, and going out of their way to show kindness to others. We can’t wait to have Master Rando back at KPS!”
“What a privilege it was to have Master Rick Rando as our Leadership Garrett County 2017-2018 closing ceremony keynote! Rick inspired the group to “know who they are” and to approach their future with purpose and passion. He encouraged them along their journey to treat people with respect and compassion, and to always be thankful for their blessings. Additionally, Master Rick inspired the group to approach life with integrity and focus. What a perfect way to conclude this seven-month leadership project!”
“Thank you so much for presenting to the ACM Advancement Staff! In just 30 minutes, you were able to both challenge and inspire my team. I am still hearing comments about the presentation with words such as “awesome,” “inspirational,” and “transformative!” I appreciate your willingness to give of your time and for making personal connections with my team. Your integrity as a business owner and the priority you demonstrate in your role as a husband and father are humbling.”
“Every one of my leaders thoroughly enjoyed themselves and stated it was the best leadership event that we have done. From teamwork, communication, to developing your personal brand, each one of my partners took home some valuable lessons that can help them be successful at Cintas.”
“The team building exercises that were facilitated by Master Rando encouraged our staff to think outside the box and challenge their own personal limits. The staff began to step beyond their comfort zone and think collaboratively for the best end result. Walking into this endeavor, the staff shared a commonality however when leaving, they shared a strong bond. Our group discusses memories from this seminar frequently and this unique leadership experience is something that will continue to give over and over for a long time!”
“Your presentation was uplifting, entertaining and enlightening. You shared refreshing topics – ones that should be shared with all! You presented in a manner that was both humorous and entertaining, while still getting your message across to the entire audience. That’s a hard combination to achieve, but you did it with style and grace. Your connection with the organization and willing to share your interest in doing so is the exception not the rule. You would be a huge asset to ANY group who is looking for an amazing, one-of-a-kind speaker. Since we are entering a new growth phase in our Organization, with our New SHA Administrator on board, your comments were very timely. I believe we can benefit immediately from the methods & tactics you provided us with. Your enthusiasm is contagious, and we hope to use your suggestions moving forward. We hope to have you again with our organization to reinforce the messages and methodologies you have shared with our workforce.”
“I have partnered with Master Rando in the past with providing school assemblies and have known him as an influential pillar within the Allegany County community. Master Rando shared his assembly at Smithsburg Elementary School in Washington County Public Schools and focused on finishing the school year strong, which including topics such as showing focus and respect, as well as being a kind and energized ‘fire-starter.’ Students and staff were engaged and used the lingo school-wide and within their classrooms. He has the ability to connect with students through humor and humility. Our school overall enjoyed the program immensely!”
“Thanks so much for the awesome presentation for our kids here at the Center for Career and Technical Education. I feel the students heard your message about gaining an understanding of who they are, the importance of planning and respect, and tapping into their inner ‘fire-starter’. Our kids needed to hear that message today, and I can’t think of anyone who could have delivered it better than someone with your energy. I look forward to continued work with you for our kids in the future!”
“Coming from a corporate background, I’ve spent a lot of time reading and attending business seminars over the years. I’ve been in martial arts for well over 2 decades and it’s very refreshing to see that Master Rando knows exactly what today’s clients want and need!”
“Recently we had the pleasure of having Master Rando as our guest presenter for a school-wide assembly. We’re a small elementary school with a big heart so we like to go for the speakers that offer ‘the most bang for the buck’. And with Master Rando, that’s exactly what you get! The staff and students of Accident Elementary look forward to Master Rando’s visits because he captivates all of us! The teachers watch in amazement as this one man keeps the attention of 300 students for over an hour. Naturally we (teachers and staff) take mental notes so we can later attempt to emulate his posture and excitement, but most of all, we try to duplicate the respect he’s given as the speaker. Each time he visits everyone leaves with one more ‘take away’ to keep in our pocket, classroom, and most of all, in our hearts!”
“It has been my pleasure for the last several years to include karate instructor, Rick Rando to our school’s agenda. Rick has given different presentations including ‘Bully Busting’ and ‘Stranger Danger.’ The students learn from each of these demonstrations because they are presented with humor, talent, and intense suspense. They can’t wait to see how a scenario plays out and what they should do in each situation. Rick gives an awesome demonstration of how to handle bullies and people who might try to hurt you. It’s not only entertaining and informative; it very well could be life saving. Rick is a wonderful person and an excellent instructor. It is a pleasure to work with him.”
“Broad Ford Elementary was incredibly impressed by the Character Presentation recently held at our school presented by Master Rick Rando. Master Rando was able to gain the attention of 600 students with his quick wit, but his message of self-control and Level 10 behavior was even more powerful. We look forward to welcoming Master Rando back to our school to help prepare our students for testing behavior in the spring. He is motivational, funny, quick-witted, and carries a message that will help anyone who listens. By far, this is the BEST presentation I have ever heard!”
“What you did today was flat out amazing! The team building exercise was a grand slam, out of the park blast! Everyone was talking about it during the breaks. Well done in every way possible!”
“Thank you for presenting to the ACM professional staff. Your presentation and training were both challenging and inspiring. Thank you for giving of your time/passion and for your leadership in our community. Your integrity as a business owner and the priority you demonstrate in your role and a husband and father are humbling.”
“I was really impressed with how you have implemented your business management training into growing your business through improving your staff and focusing on customer relationships which ultimately resulted in a superior customer retention ratio than your industry norm. Your speech and the participating demonstration brought out more discussion and hands-on leadership training than anticipated!”
“Master Rando returned for his third visit to Annapolis Elementary School on February 27th – each year he comes seems to be better than the last! His message of being a ‘fire-starter’ and not an ‘energy-sucker’ really resonated with our students, as they now use those phrases as part of their vocabulary. While his presentation is entertaining, engaging, and fun, the critical content of being a giver with a positive attitude and working to your best potential did not get lost with the kids. He managed to keep the whole student body’s attention, grades Pre-K through 5, for an hour – a feat that is not accomplished by many! As he looked at his watch to wrap-up, our principal repeatedly encouraged him to keep going. The staff and students of Annapolis Elementary look forward to having Master Rando back for future programs, he is fantastic!”
“I was literally hanging on every word during the 10 minutes Rick spoke.”
“Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to the students of Beall Elementary School about respect. Your positive attitude and energy is contagious! I can tell that you love what you do and have a genuine desire to help children! Thank you for being such an influential role model in the community!”
“Parkside Elementary would like to thank Master Rando for coming to our school to do an assembly for those students who met their Accelerated Reader goals. Master Rando talked with the students about being your best at all times (‘Level “10’), responsibility, how to recognize and avoid strangers, discipline and self-confidence. All of the students who attended paid close attention to Master Rando’s presentation as he is excellent with kids….the best! All of us at Parkside have begged to have him back!”
“Master Rick Rando’s corporate teambuilding presentation was professional, well-organized, entertaining and empowering! We loved the board breaking! Allegany College of Maryland’s professional & administrative support staff is still talking about it to this day.”
“We really appreciate you taking the time to come and speak to our students. They absolutely loved your presentation. You are a very inspirational person and we can’t wait to have you back.”
“This seminar was extremely effective! The seminar made all of us work together when we never do…receptionists/technicians/doctors/etc. We were able to have fun together and realize that we are a TEAM with a common purpose!”
“I would like to extend our sincere appreciation for your willingness to visit our school and present to the entire student body. You were awesome! You have an amazing gift to engage and entertain as well as educate all ages. The addition of your four exemplary students added to the appeal and believability of your message. Your commitment is valuable in enhancing the educational experiences of our students! We are grateful for you and what you do!”
“Master Rando has participated in various different events at Westernport Elementary in the last 10 years. No matter what the topic, Master Rando always sends a positive message and is able to connect with our students. Rick is extremely personable and he has a wonderful sense of humor that kids respond to. He’s able to tailor his message to any age group. After each program, our students would continue to talk about Master Rando and the impact his message had on them. Master Rando always sends a message of self-empowerment. His main goal, no matter what program he engages in, is to teach self-confidence and to build children’s self-esteem. The truth of the matter is that Master Rando is a wonderful teacher and he has a natural way of making people feel comfortable in his presence. During his presentations, people want to participate and become involved; when that level of student enthusiasm occurs, real learning takes place. I personally believe Master Rando has students’ best interest in minds and truly cares about our community’s future.”
“When I contacted Master Rando, he immediately had many ideas that we could use and how we could incorporate the activities into life and basketball. During our hour session, we were involved in activities that included team work, strategy and leadership, along with life lessons that would help my players in the future. They are now always using his terms of being a ‘Fire Starter’ or an ‘Energy Sucker’, which has caused our players to understand how important their attitude can impact the team. This day has been the best experience that I have been able to provide for my players outside of basketball.”
“We were thrilled to have Master Rando get our students pumped up to be successful. He shared the 5 success keys in a humorous and energetic way that got the kids attentions and kept their attention. We often talk about the same themes and similar concepts, but it’s nice to have someone come in and give real life examples and expectations in society. When I went to classes over the past couple of days I had the kids recall the 5 keys and even the Kindergarten students could remember them. The most fun one to practice is ‘Level 10.’ I don’t think they’ll ever forget that one, and I’ll have fun with that for years while also getting students to sit up and be prepared to learn. The kids mentioned that they thought the story about an impolite friend’s visit to Master Rando’s house when he was young was super funny. They want to see a photo of his bald mother (ha, ha, ha…how creative this man is!). I would recommend Master Rando’s program to get a school energized to make good choices and I may see if he can help with a school kick-off one year. I like the idea of getting students motivated to say ‘I CAN’ and he has a program that emphasizes that point.”
“It was truly a pleasure attending team building with Kick Masters Karate’s Master Rick Rando. The events and exercises were engaging, knowledge filled, and extremely well organized. As an executive, the tools and lessons learned during the exercises have crossed over and had a positive impact in both my personal and professional relationships. This was a fun and amazing experience that we will absolutely repeat with our entire management team yearly. It was great to see the leaders and managers in our organization work together, build relationships, and enhance their leadership abilities. We are amazed at the results already!”
“Thank you so much for speaking to my Professional Development group of students at Frostburg State University. My students thoroughly enjoyed your presentation. Master Rando, you are truly an inspirational and motivational leader. I value your words as they are real life examples of your success, your history, and what the future holds for you. To continue to strive for better things whether that is through innovation or technology – it clearly demonstrates that you are someone to pursue and push for simply the best. This was clearly a great message to young inspiring students. In speaking to my class you were able to encourage them through your words of wisdom and discipline. You spoke about the importance of community and networking and I admire your dedication to both. You are a great role model and set forth a superior example, to people of all ages. Thank you again!”
“Master Rando has always been willing to volunteer his time to speak with children at South Penn. His Career Day presentations are both educational and highly motivating. Recently, Master Rando presented a mini bully busters program for our entire student body. These presentations were lively and the impact they had stayed with the students. It is a pleasure to work with someone who is as professional and caring as Master Rando. I would highly recommend his programs for children.”
“Our National Honor Society Advisor, Mr. Doug Baker, arranged to have Master Rick Rando as our keynote speaker at our National Honor Society’s Induction Ceremony in 2015. Master Rando’s message to our students was delivered with passion, enthusiasm, and humor. He was engaging and interactive with the students, as he delivered a challenge to them to work toward high goals and to settle for nothing less than their best efforts at all times. He encouraged the students to be respectful of others, to face every day with a positive attitude, and to remember that each day is an opportunity to reach their goals. It was truly inspiring!”
“Master Rick Rando has delivered great speaking engagements for me and others at Garrett College on a number of occasions. In addition to speaking to local entrepreneurs and others at our annual Power of Possibilities Summit, he has addressed our faculty and staff and most recently gave a memorable presentation to our inaugural Leadership Garrett County class, which was very well received by our students. I can always count on Master Rando to deliver hard-hitting advice that gives attendees specific, powerful takeaways that they can act on immediately after leaving the session. I highly recommend Master Rando…he’s amazing!”
“Master Rick Rando recently spoke to Keyser Primary School and our students are still taking about his visit. I have observed our teachers say, ‘Show me a Level 10!’ and the students sit-up straight and proud. More importantly, I hear kids using words like ‘fire-starter’ and ‘good stuff in, good stuff out; bad stuff in, bad stuff out.’ They intently listened to Master Rando’s 45-minute presentation, and truly absorbed what he was presenting. One student in particular that has struggled with behavior and emotional disorders since beginning school at 3, was particularly blessed by Master Rando’s talk. He still tells his teacher, ‘I love Master Rando. Will you tell him I’m having a good day?’ For me to hear the longing in this child’s voice for acceptance and approval from a man that he only heard once is incredible.”
“The student’s found the topics to be relatable and inspiring. They consistently looked forward to Master Rando coming each week.”
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